
It was down to the wire, but Helldivers 2 players are celebrating after giving the Illuminate the galactic boot on Calypso—though I've got a feeling they'll be back soon

Update, December 17: The Illuminate are already back, making all of that hoo-rah chest thumping a smidge premature. While I was doing undemocratic things like ‘sleeping’ and ‘enjoying my evening’ yesterday, the alien menace swept back into the galaxy. Please enjoy this footage, captured by Reddit user DrGooseThumb, of their return happening in real time.


At the time of writing, the Illuminate are currently invading the worlds of Mog and Bellatrix, with a new major order reading: “Their numbers are limited. This attack is an opportunity to complete the eradication of this xenophobic threat, securing the galaxy once more”. Which is entirely unlike the last opportunity we had to complete the eradication of this xenophobic threat, securing the galaxy once more. It’s for real, this time, the super president pinky-promised.

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